by ClickHelp — professional help authoring tool
What every technical writer needs on their professional journey is a good companion. And, ClickHelp could be the one for you! In this article, we are going to show you what this tool is capable of.
Warning: this is not even the complete list of features ClickHelp has. See the full list here.
- Content Migration
Migrating content is a time-consuming and frustrating task. But, no worries, with ClickHelp it is fast and easy. Plus, we have all the most popular formats to choose from (CHM, Word, ODT, HTML, RTF).
- Hosted Documentation Portal
ClickHelp creates a whole online documentation portal for you.You can brand it, customize it to your liking, host it, or we will host it for you for free.
- Easy Export
Once documentation is created, it is time to put it to use. Export it from your online portal choosing one of the formats we offer: CHM, PDF, Word, EPUB, RTF, ODT, MHT.
- Printed Output Customization
Sometimes a company wants to have user manuals printed out. With ClickHelp, you can get the exact output you want with flexible printed output customization options.
- Automatic Topic Locking
You will never worry about someone messing around with the topics you are working on anymore — our tool will lock the topics for you automatically.
- Integrations
The ClickHelp team is constantly working on adding more integration options to our list. Although, to our opinion, it is already quite impressive: Zendesk, AddThis, Disqus, Google Analytics, Google Search Console, Azure AD SSO, Google SSO, Salesforce SSO, YouTube, Vimeo, Gravatar,, etc.
- Powerful Topic Editor
Every technical writer likes a good text editor, so, we have been working hard to provide you with our powerful topic editor that offers Word-like functionality and more to give your a comfortable work environment.
- Conditional Content
ClickHelp can be a real time saver — you can create multiple outputs of the same documentation project.
- Variables
Start using variables from the very beginning of your ClickHelp journey and see how it changes your work process for the better!
- Snippets
You won’t need to re-write or copy some topics that need to be mentioned or repeated — just insert them as snippets.
- Amazing Branding Possibilities
Your online documentation is a way of communication with your clients, this is why, branding your documentation portal is always a great idea. Use your company’s style and logo to brand your portal and make it recognizable.
- Version History
This feature was highly requested, so we made it happen. With Version History you can track changes made in any topic and roll them back.
- Responsive UI
Our tool is 100% responsive. This means that all you really need is an Internet connection to get access to user documentation on a tablet or a smartphone.
- Cross-Browser Compatibility
ClickHelp works great in any popular browsers. Not much else to say about this feature, really. It just works.
- Patented Full-Text Search Engine
Our help authoring tool becomes even more convenient and user-friendly with the patented full-text search engine.
- Review Notes for Topics
Reviewing is the stage in the documentation writing process that not a team can skip. ClickHelp offers not just the review notes functionality, but, also, a special Reviewer Role.
- Email Notifications
You will never miss any tasks or status changes with our automatic email notifications.
- Custom Workflow Statuses
Do you have some special workflow in your team that makes it really hard to adopt new tools with their default statuses? Well, how about creating custom ones? We bet it sounds good! By the way, check out this article if you are interested in optimizing your documentation team’s workflow.
- Password Protection for Manuals
Some user manuals are not meant to be seen by everyone. You can protect them with a password in ClickHelp.
- Author and Reader Roles
First, we offer Author Roles, which means that you can fine-tune your workflow. Second, there are Reader Roles, that give you more control over content available to readers.
- Topic Comments
There is the possibility of commenting topics. This means that you can create a whole community around your documentation portal, or just analyse user feedback.
- Social Media Sharing Buttons
This is just ‘a must’ for any modern online service — social media sharing buttons.
- Topic Rating
Yet another feature connected with customer feedback, alongside with topic comments. Topic rating is quite important for improving help topics based on clients’ opinion.
- Advanced Analytics
Remember the Google Analytics integration? Well, you might not even need it, as ClickHelp has its own inbuilt analytics. It includes a lot of metrics that will help you analyse the current situation and plan your documentation projects ahead.
- Human-Readable Project URLs
This feature is useful not just for people, but, also, it has great value for search engines — the SEO effect of your online documentation increases.
- Daily Backups
All data is backed up daily. You can relax and do your job as we make sure your data is safe.
- SSL Data Encryption
Some technical documentation can contain sensitive information, in ClickHelp all data is secure and encrypted.
- HTML Source Editor
In case a regular topic editor is not enough, in ClickHelp, you get to work on your topics via the HTML Source Editor.
As we have mentioned at the beginning of our blog post, this list of features is not even full. Plus, we keep on working on improving our tool for help authoring daily. We hope that ClickHelp can really make your work process better!
Good Luck with your technical writing career!
ClickHelp Team
Author, host and deliver documentation across platforms and devices
Originally published at